As wecode platform, we organized IT Talks 15 program on friday evening, october 15, 2021. We organized an online program and speak about Recruitment Processes in IT Industry. Mr. Akın, who works as the COO of Talrise Recruitment company in England, attended the program as a speaker.
In the program, Mr. Akın informed the participants about how the recruitment processes in the IT industry work and what job seekers should pay attention to in the IT industry. Mr. Akın both informed the participants about how the recruitment process works and answered the questions of the participants.
Mr. Akın gave information to the participants about the following topics:
What issues do recruitment companies pay attention to when examining candidates’ CVs in the IT sector, and what should candidates pay attention to when preparing their CVs?
The importance of social media accounts such as LinkedIn in the job search process and how to use these areas professionally?
What are the issues that candidates should pay attention to during the interview process and etc?
We would like to thank Mr. Akın and our valuable participants for their participation in this enjoyable night.